Sunday School/Life Groups 9:30 am
Nursery – Debbie Allen

Pre-K – Kindergarten: Debbie Allen
1st – 5th Grade: Cheryl York and Zeta Carter

Tweens & Teens: Ethan Haas, Kimberly Kilgore

Adult Class: Wesleyan Quarterly Bible Curriculum, Bob Mills
(The Body of Christ Alive: Studies in Paul’s Letters to the Church)

Adult Class: “Faith”, Phil Haas
CHILDREN’S CHURCH: Sundays at 10:30 am, Chelsea Ball

**NOTE: The last Sunday of each month is Family Sunday and children are in the sanctuary with parents**
Adult Class: Gospel of John, Pam Wooten

Sundays at 5:00 pm
(Childcare Available – Text 812-216-4006)